Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Night Highlights 1.17.16

Weekend Adventures:
  • Since Bert's been at the barn almost nonstop, Wacey and I go visit him a lot. Wacey likes to watch the tractor put hay in the feeders and visit the horses. 
  • It's been cold and/or windy, so not ideal weather for doing anything but being cooped up, so we're really looking forward to next week's warmer weather! Yesterday, Wacey and I had several dance parties, watched a movie, growled at each other, ran some errands, went to look at the cows, and looked at turquoise paint to order online. Okay, maybe not the last part. Maybe I just did that alone. 
  • Baby boy has SIX teeth coming, and is cutting one incisor (#snaggletooth), so it's been crankytown around here. We've been doing a lot of playing, a lot of early napping, a lot of bottles, and a little Motrin. 
  • Agriculture employs 17% of the workforce, or about 24 million people, but less than 2% of the American population actually lives on farms and ranches. 
  • Today, farmers and ranchers produce 262% more food with 2% fewer inputs (such as seeds, labor, fertilizers) than they did in 1950.
  • A group of pigs is called a sounder. 
On the Ranch:
  • It's calving time! So far, we've had quite a few calves, and other than a few snafus, everyone is healthy and doing well. 
  • Stock Show in Denver is over for our cattle (Red Angus show the first week), but there are some animals that are going to the Fort Worth Stock Show later this month. Stock show season and award season coincide, I guess :)
  • The heifers were due to calve first, so right now Bert is the only one really calving, but we're fast approaching the due date for the youngest of the older cows (last year's heifers), so pretty soon we'll have calves all over. 
On the Home Front:
  • We've had an exciting couple of weeks! We got a new car (a Subaru, be still my AWD-loving heart) and it's amazing--there's not much convenience in living out in the boonies, so I'll take any little bit I can get.  This car lets me talk on the phone through the car speakers. Plus, it's way easier to park than the pickup. 
  • Still working on what to do with this here blog. I went through a little funky couple of days where I was 100% completely uninspired and not enthusiastic at all about anything, really. My best friend can attest that these black moods happen every now and again, but I'm glad to say the most recent one was short-lived and I'm feeling better. Except now I have a cold. Go figure. 
  • We were gifted some cash money by relatives this year for Christmas, and used it to buy a longstanding item on our wishlist--a treadmill! Yes, we're that behind the times. With the weather being so cold, it's been hard to get out to go on walks with Wacey because it takes so much work to get out the door, and he needs like 47 bottles, and by the time we actually get going, we're both over it and so needless to say, my workouts were lacking. I got it for a great deal on craigslist, and have already used it several times, and I love it. Again, #convenience. And #Netflix. Also #Downton. 

1 comment:

  1. Hip hip hooray for a new car!!!! Enjoy that new car smell and all its fanciness :)
    And hip hip hooray for a treadmill! C25K accountability buddy? All while binge watching on netflix? I say yes!
