Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday Night Highlights 3.20.16

Weekend Adventures:
  • Literally nothing, haha. We're boring, what can I say? Actually, since this is the first weekend Bert hasn't had to look after calving cows, we've been catching up on relaxation and having a quiet weekend doing not much at all. 
  • It's Spring! Finally. I love fall and actually don't mind winter, but this one has been loooooooong. We celebrated with some Sonic slushies today, it was lovely.
  • We did watch The 33 last night, and it was good! Next up on our list: The Big Short, the final Hunger Games, and the new Star Wars!
  • PAP testing is a way to help determine bovine survivability at high altitudes. PAP stands for pulmonary artery pressure, and is determined by running a catheter through the pulmonary artery. 
  • Spring is in the air! Which means lots of ranches are getting geared up for branding. Some states require brands, others don't, but it's one of the best permanent way of marking your cattle in case of theft, escape, or bad fences!
  • Another thing about spring? Lots of bull sales. Lots of producers sell yearling bulls in the spring that are ready to turn out on cows. Later this week I'll have a post about my brother- and sister-in-law's sale that we went to last week! 
On the Ranch:
  • Bert's done calving heifers! Woo! In total, we have about 500 calves on the ground, so we're almost halfway through! Having the heifers out of the way is great, though, because they require so much more care than the cows. Plus, Wace and I are happy to have Bert home a little more!
  • Next week, we'll be PAP testing heifers, aka my favorite thing. There WILL be a post on that because my mom's coming down to babysit so I'll be front and center with my camera.
  • Y'all, we start branding week after next. Hellooooooo Spring!
On the Home Front:
  • Last weekend's Spring Forward has really thrown us for a loop! I love making dinner while it's still light out, but Wacey's schedule is all out of whack. We've been enjoying a little more sleep time in the morning, but we've really got to get back on track...tomorrow. 
  • I'm getting the spring cleaning itch! I want all of our extra stuff gone, like, yesterday. The only problem is that I don't want it all gone for free, haha. I'm giving everything one last round on the internets before I try consignment and then, donation. This stuff that has been sitting in boxes since we moved has seriously got to go!!!
  • Wacey has started walking! Not like, full-on walking, but he'll take a step here and there and it's both amazing and sort of sad. Where did my tiny baby go? 

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